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Cane Elephant

Cane Elephant

The Story

It’s 2150. When the granddaughter of the Prime Minister, wakes up in hospital with a new identity and a new mother, she has to unravel the treachery that got her there. This roller coaster ride of a story will take you through the mind of Lysia Wallace, a girl of mixed race with three fingers on her left hand, who has to discover her real identity before the new one takes over. Will meeting Steve along the way, help or hinder her? And is Zawal the man she remembers from her past? Through all her anguish and the self-analysis, the one constant that keeps Lysia moving forward is her search for her treasured cane elephant. A gift given to her by her mother. Lysia knows when she finds him, he will reveal the truth, and only then will her double identity be explained.


This futuristic novel started from a vivid dream that woke Pulford with a start. It began as a 6,000 word novella and developed into a longer story over time. It’s all about the mind.

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